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New and Upcoming Studies

Presently, several papers are being worked on for 2024. 


The study, 'What is the Church Model?' is now available to read and download as a Word doc. It looks at the Church model Christ left the Church to follow. Topics covered include; 


- Should the Church operate as an organisation or an association?


- Should it elect a leader, board of directors, governing body, state or national leaders, etc?


- Who was the first man to cast the anti-Christ mould?


- Identifying the spiritual remnant of the Philadelphia Church today 


- Are we to claim tax deductions on tithes and offerings?


- Who was the first man to establish an organisation, and who took it onto the world stage?   


The upcoming study on Abraham will reveal that his stops on the way to the Promised Land, which involved passing through Haran and Egypt, foreshadow the same spiritual stops a Christian would have to make. Understanding what each stop symbolises today will reveal how far along we are in our journey.  


The study of Daniel reveals the parallel spiritual siege that has taken place in the church today. It examines why the church can go into captivity, into spiritual Babylon, and how it has accepted a watered-down Babylonian Christian mindset.


Another study paper focuses on the Golden Calf that Ancient Israel made in the Wilderness. We will show how the Church, specifically religious organisations, has fallen into the same trap today of bowing down to the spiritual golden calves they have made. We will reveal what they are.


We also focus on Joseph, son of Jacob, and reveal how his life is a blueprint for the Christian believer today.


There is also a paper in the preliminary stages that looks at the story of the Tower of Babel, its spiritual meaning for today, and how the construction of these towers and cities continues today.   


These are just some topics being worked on at the moment.



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